Frequently asked questions
About being a Horny Viking
Payment options?
Want to ensure that you ‘get Horny’ consistently? They why not subscribe to one of our subscription payment models – this will ensure that you are auto-billed for whatever quantity of Horny Viking Pills you need on a regular cadence.
Return policy?
If you have a change of heart and decide you want to spend the rest of your life flopping around, feel free to return your unopened order within 14-days. We will then refund you fully.
How do I take it?
Take 1 capsule per day, which contains 400mg of lovely Tongat Ali root extract, and 5mg of the Bioperine, which helps you absorb the goodness.
Does does tongkat ali work?
Well, you can make up your own mind after reading around the research conducted to date.
Frequently asked questions
About being a Horny Viking